
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

First book read

I finished my first book in Tyndale's Summer Reading program today.  Started it last night after work.  Must have been good, as I finised it before coming to work this afternoon.  (Teacher's schedule let's me read!  Yeah!!)  I read Dry as Rain by Gina Holmes.  So many times I wanted to shake Eric the main character.  Come on get with it man!  Fess up!!!!  He was being eaten alive with guilt, yet continued to rationalize why it was "ok" to keep his sin a "secret."  It effected every aspect of his life.  Communication is such a hard thing.  With so many ways to keep in touch, one would think we'd mastered the art of communication.  Hardly.  As with Eric we still find ways to avoid sharing what we really need to.  We hide from everyone, including ourselves.  One aspect of the story that really stood out to me was how his friend Larry judged him as not being a Christian.  While Eric's life didn't show that fruit, he was angered by that.  His private reflections made him realize it was sadly true.  Yet when Eric was presented with a chance to change a young life, He found the Word of Life was within him.  (I love that Larry was the one to present that chance) We all need grace.  Daily.  We aren't perfect and we know it better than anyone.  Just as Eric, when we allow other things to crowd out God, we begin a slippery slope that takes us farther and farther away from God and all that is right and true.  But He is still there.  He will offer grace, forgiveness and restoration when we turn back to Him.  An honest story, about an not so honest man, his family and his friends.  Realistic characters.  One is bound to resonate with you! -Cindy

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