30% off one Regular Priced Item
One coupon, per person, per visit
Cannot be combined with other offers
Expires February 7, 2009
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The Lighthouse!)
Value Priced Fiction is IN!!
Great reads for only $4.99. Many newer fiction titles by popular author. Shop early for best selection!
Check out our Joel Rosenberg display!

"He understands the threats in the Middle East...and turns it into an unforgettable read!" "Fiction so intertwined with modern events it's scary!"
Dinner & Concert
Pancake & Sausage Dinner Saturday, Feb 7th from 4:30 to 6pm for $6.00! Dinner Proceeds to benefit special projects at the First United Methodist Church, Warrensburg. Hearts in Harmony benefit concert at 6:30pm! Hearts in Harmony special $10.00 CD sale to proceed North Country Ministries!
Veggie Tale Premier

Join us for the premier of the newest VeggieTale! Abe & The Amazing Promise! Saturday, February 14 at 11am at the Crandall Public Library, 251 Glen Street, Glens Falls. The movie is free, but you must have a ticket! Pick them up in the Children's Department at Crandall Library!