
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Come What May

I just watched the DVD "Come What May" last night. I was critiquing it for both the quality and the content. As a group of homeschoolers attempting their first movie, it was not an easy topic to tackle. At times the angles and camera shots were a little off, but that got better as the movie progressed. I also felt that way about the acting. Their characters became more realistic as they went along. I was impressed with a few things: 1-honestly tackling the issue of when live begins. 2-admitting that even as Christians we struggle to do what is right, when the outcome is not clearly in our favor. 3-showing that even in marriages and families you don't always agree, but love is forever. 4-purity was exemplified and explained in a way that didn't seem archaic and prudish, but beautiful and desirable. Personally I thought the message was clear and needed in our culture today. Each person is a gift to be cherished, from the moment of conception on. Do the right thing. Come what may! Watch "Come What May" and tell me what you think! -Cindy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I found your comments very honest and direct. I appreciate both. Now I will definitely look at this movie. What a great subject line-full of controversy, personal value clarification and a political "hot potato" besides!!! Lets support this group and tell everyone aboaut this DVD.