
Thursday, November 19, 2009

Operation Christmas Child Update

Well it's Thursday as I write this and we have officially "relayed" 1455 boxes to their destination after us. There are more awaiting tomorrows pick-up. Thank you and thank God! Our goal is 2100 so we are still in need of your boxes! It's not too late to get involved. We are collecting through Saturday, November 21 at 4:00pm. Please remember that we ARE NOT collecting on Monday, November 23. Help us get those last 645 boxes and bless the lives of children all over the world!!
A special thank you to the Lake George Rotary Club who participated for the first time this year. They packed over 100 shoebox gifts! What a fun and busy night! And we thank Dr. Ida and his wife Margaret for catching the vision of Operation Christmas Child and getting the Rotary club involved! May God bless you.


Julie Leonelli said...

Looking forward to crafting some "filler" items for the shoe boxes. I'm searching the web for ideas!

The Lighthouse said...

Julie, thanks a million. After working at a processing center we know first hand how important "fillers" can be. For instance; after taking out the large shampoo, body wash, food and chocolate the shoebox I was processing had 2 things in it. Both didn't cover the bottom of the box. So we filled it with all kinds of "fillers" that Samaritan's Purse receives as donations. Your gift is needed and APPRECIATED!