Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
2011 Women of Faith "Imagine"
This is an invitation to all women out there; if you are in a place where you need to be inspired, encouraged or just need some fun-filled "girl time" then your going to want to save the date of the 11/11/11 and hop on the bus with us to attend this year's Women of Faith Conference Imagine, in Hartford, CT. Speakers this year include Luci Swindoll, Shelia Walsh, Lisa Harper and Angie Smith. Musical guests are Mary Mary & Natalie Grant. Drama by Nicole Johnson. Special guest will be Dr. Henry Cloud, one of the original "boys" from the New Life Live Ministries. This is a seeker friendly event and is your opportunity to invite that friend, coworker, neighbor or family member that you have always wanted to. Our conference package includes; round trip transportation on a deluxe motor coach, 2 day event ticket, hotel accommodations, lunch both days, and a Women of Faith T-Shirt. All women from the area are encouraged to attend. If interested call Pine Knolls Alliance Church office at 518-793-7101 for more information. We can't "imagine" being there without you! Dawn Palmer
Saturday, August 27, 2011
The First Gardener
Have the tissues ready. I cried reading "the first gardener" by Denise Hildreth Jones. Finally had to go get the box of tissues. It is such a GOOD read. I was hooked on the story line and could feel for the characters. Jones writes in very realistic prose. You could believe her work of fiction was true. I loved the zany characters of Eugenia's friends. Excellently done. There interactions were consistent and they fully evolved, even though they weren't the main characters. Jeremiah was a quite, wise soul. His gentleness and character made you fall in love with him. His working hand in hand with the "master gardener" showed how we can pray without ceasing and obey His voice, even in our day to day things. I kept thinking there was more to his story. I'm glad Jones wrapped up the book with his "story." Gray and Mackenzie were the perfect blend of lovers and friends. There emotions were realistic and believable. Overall I felt Jones did an excellent job and connecting feelings with actions, as well as showing us the thinking behind those actions. We all act differently but God made us that way. We are worthy of giving and receiving love no matter who we are or where we are in our story.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Beneath the Night Tree
"Beneath the Night Tree" by Nicole Baart. I love the way Baart strings together words to paint a beautiful and poignant picture. The main character Julia has many things to balance. A single mother, an employee, a student, an abandoned 10 year old brother, an aging Grandmother, a boyfriend in medical school, and the newly interested father of her son. Julia thinks she knows what she wants and endeavors to create that life. Her control over everything is an effort to stay afloat. She finds that life is not under her control and God is there all along the way. Yet she struggles with knowing God is there and still trying to be the one to handle it all. As she continues her journey she is faced with her feelings, fears and failures. Near the end of her journey (the book's end) she realizes something "God chased after me, and I ran stumbling in the dark, ignoring His advances. I pined for lost mothers and fell from dizzying heights. I never stopped long enough to turn and look Him full in the face. To see that everything I was looking for had been right there all along." How true that is in real life as well.
The touch
I still haven't finished the book I was reading when I last posted. But I've read 2 others in the meantime! "The Touch" by Randall Wallace was a very good read. Andrew Jones has it all. His life is perfect. His lady, Faith has accepted his proposal and he has "the touch." The rising neurosurgeon is acclaimed for his skill and his talents. But in an instant his abilities as a doctor are not enough. He fails. this begins the next chapter in Jones life. One of walls and fortresses to keep out the possibility of failure or pain. He doesn't trust himself and thus doesn't practice surgery again. He begins to teach and use his skills as a doctor to heal people in non-life threatening ways. The other main character in the story is Lara. She is driven to perfect the unknown, impossible brain surgery technique that takes her mothers life. She pursues Jones in an attempt to do what no other can do. The story line continues from there as each character is challenged to trust in himself and in someone higher, God. Will they use the talents, or "the touch" that God has given them, or will they let fear prevent them from doing what God has created them to do? I won't tell you. You'll have to read it to find out yourself.
Friday, August 12, 2011
The Brotherhood
I really have been reading for the Summer Reading Program. Currently the book I am reading is not holding my attention and it's taking forever to finish. So I read another book in the meantime!! This review is really about "The Brotherhood" by Jerry Jenkins. This book not only held my interest, but I finished it in less than 24 hours.
I really enjoyed a book with strong male characters. So hard to find good Christian fiction with the main character being a man. Jenkins wove a realistic story of how a man has it all, and sees how "he" is the reason he has it all. Yeah, he believes in God, but it's his work that has brought him to the point he is. How sad when Boone Drake losses everything and finds he really didn't have faith at all.
His pastor Fransisco Sosa is a perfect example of what a Christian friend should be. He never guesses at the things he can't answer. He never forces himself on Boone, but also doesn't back down from taking a stand for what is true.
Boone's journey of faith was realistic and emotional. His attempts at prayer (as he puts it. Prayer is prayer.) make him question his own motives and the shaky faith he has. Enter the "bad" guy turned good, PC. As a cop drama it is no surprise that an inmate turns to Jesus and Boone is pulled into the resulting plan of PC's to redeem his past.
Every page of the book takes you further into Boone's journey of faith. Realistic and gripping. I want the next book to come out!
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