
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Beneath the Night Tree

"Beneath the Night Tree" by Nicole Baart. I love the way Baart strings together words to paint a beautiful and poignant picture. The main character Julia has many things to balance. A single mother, an employee, a student, an abandoned 10 year old brother, an aging Grandmother, a boyfriend in medical school, and the newly interested father of her son. Julia thinks she knows what she wants and endeavors to create that life. Her control over everything is an effort to stay afloat. She finds that life is not under her control and God is there all along the way. Yet she struggles with knowing God is there and still trying to be the one to handle it all. As she continues her journey she is faced with her feelings, fears and failures. Near the end of her journey (the book's end) she realizes something "God chased after me, and I ran stumbling in the dark, ignoring His advances. I pined for lost mothers and fell from dizzying heights. I never stopped long enough to turn and look Him full in the face. To see that everything I was looking for had been right there all along." How true that is in real life as well.

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