
Friday, July 22, 2011

Gray Matter

I LOVE this doctor. Gray Matter by David Levy is an excellent book. I may not have even thought about reading it if a customer hadn't special ordered it. It looked good and was on the list of Tyndale's summer reading program so why not? Dr. Levy's transparency and humility on his journey of faith is inspiring and convicting. You could understand his fears and the pressures on him as a neurosurgeon. Knowing that God was calling him to pray with his patients not just for them was a HUGE leap of faith. I was drawn into the real life drama of the patients and a genuinely caring doctor. You had to keep reading because you didn't know where God would take him or a patient next. Never have I heard of a doctor putting himself and his faith on the line, as Dr. Levy did. Spiritually the book applies to you no matter where you are in your life. His insight and passion about forgiveness and relationships changes him, his patients, and you the reader. God is good regardless and we all need to learn that and be reminded of that. A must read!

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