
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Wings of Glass

Wings of Glass by Gina Holmes was a great book on a very difficult subject.  Domestic Abuse.  Penny's love for Trent allows her to be "rescued" from an overbearing father, only to be "stuck" in an abusive marriage.  Penny continually gives Trent chances.  As is the case so often in domestic abuse, she blames herself and excuses his behavior.  Reading the book brings emotions of anger, frustration and a whole host of others to the surface.  Holmes wove a story that was realistic and unfortunately all to true.  Yet it gives hope that there is an better way.  There is a better ending.  Things can change.  You can change.  Through "angels" in two very different ladies, Penny begins to see hope and a new course for her life.  She begins to see God even in the midst of a horrible life.  Her glass wings may be broken, but she can still learn to fly.  Though not an easy read because of the topic, it's a book that draws you in and you can't put down.

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